Introducing Bruery Radio™
In the beginning of The Bruery, I knew most of our customers by name. I had many great conversations about what we’re up to, what I’m looking forward to, and it was great to have this connection with our a very dedicated group of supporters. Today, I still have these great conversations, but I admit they are far too infrequent!
A few months ago, while listening to a podcast in my car on my drive in to work, I recollected to the “[good] old days” with a bit of nostalgia. Then, with Adam Carolla’s voice is blaring it my ear (a popular podcast that I like to listen to), it occurred to me that The Bruery should have a podcast. I converted my office into a podcasting studio, and I’ve been recording episodes. I’m hopeful it’ll be a great way for us to be able to connect with you and be able to give you the full story, just as if we were sitting down for a beer.
When I think about starting a podcast, I think of the quote from Friedrich Nietzsche: “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.” I’m a shy person, and the sound of my own recorded voice puts a pit in my stomach. While I do have a face for radio, I’m not sure I have a voice for radio. I’m sure experience will help me become more at ease, and hopefully improve your listening experience. Time will tell!
I’ll bring on a variety of Bruers and collaborators, as well as friends inside and outside of the craft beer industry. You’ll have access to the inner workings of The Bruery, and I’m pretty sure I’ll hear stories I might not have heard if I weren’t the host of the podcast! Eventually we’ll also have a series on beer education and bring in beer experts to discuss particular topics. I’ll do my best not to make it into a long commercial for The Bruery, and deliver fun and informative content.
I hope you’ll join me on this adventure by listening along and contributing, if you’re so inclined. We’ll have opportunities for you to ask questions, and we’d love to bring our members on, particularly if you have a great story! If you’re interested in seeing a particular topic covered, have a question you want to be addressed, or want to be on the show, email us at
While the podcast is marked “Explicit Content”, we’ll do our best to be respectful of your ears. In the event that we do swear, I didn’t want to deprive you of anything entertaining we might say. Also, having it marked as explicit will keep some minors away from listening to our podcast, which is intended for those of legal drinking age.
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